Last updated 1923 days ago

Change Logs

----- 1.2.4 (18 December 2019) -----
Fixed: Hero (Particle style)
Tweaked: Theme Settings > Header Settings > Logo (some custom options are added for text logo)
Updated: ACF plugin
----- 1.2.3 (24 September 2019) -----
Fixed: Menu
----- 1.2.2 (12 September 2019) -----
Tweaked: Dropdown Menu Support added
Tweaked: Hero Section (Particles Color filed added)
----- 1.2.1 (30 August 2019) -----
Tweaked: Testimonial Elementor Widget
Tweaked: Show/Hide Option added for Title Appended Underscore
Fixed: Logo Option in Theme Settings page
----- 1.2.0 (26 July 2019) -----
Fixed: A JavaScript console error
Tweaked: Section Padding control added to Elementor Widgets
New: Filterable Portfolio
New: Colors and Typography Settings
Updated: Demo Contents
----- 1.1.0 (26 July 2019) -----
Tweaked: The design of the theme.
Updated: Demo Contents
----- 1.0.0 (19 July 2019) -----
Fixed: Initial elements
New: Job Listing, Job Details, Job Apply and Request pages
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