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Last updated 2001 days ago

Speed up your WordPress website with SaasLand

Glad to know you all that SaasLand is maintained the best file dependency. We developed the SaasLand with maintaining the file, code, framework dependency as well. We take care of every byte of code. We load the necessary files only on a page. We don’t load unnecessary files and assets in the theme pages.

Although we maintained the best coding practice, we didn’t make all the code files minified. You have to minify the HTML,CSS and Js files yourself.

Your website speed does not only vary on the theme. You can increase your website speed by following some tricks. I’m going to mention those tricks here. So let me share those tricks with you.

Caching Plugins

With a caching plugin, you can do many things for your website speed optimization. You can do the following things done with a caching plugin.

Minify HTML, CSS and JS files: By minifying, you can decrease the size of the HTML, CSS and JS files.

Use a CDN: When you use a CDN, every time a user visits your website they are served those static files from whichever server is closest to them.

Enable GZIP compression: By enabling this feature, you can reduce the size of files sent from your server.
Cache System: You can apply the caching system in your WordPress website with the caching plugin easily.

Browser Caching: This will reduce the page load times for repeat visitors.

Files Combining: By combining your website theme and plugin files you can reduce HTTP requests through combined js and CSS files.

However, there are many good Free caching plugins are available. I’m mentioning here some of the best caching plugins. WP Fastest Cache, W3 Total Cache, WP Super Cache plugins. I recommend
WP Fastest Cache plugin highly. Because it’s simple and has many options for free.

Optimize Images

If your images aren’t optimized, then they could be hurting more than helping.  To improve your WordPress website speed, you need to optimize your images for the web. You can optimize your image with photoshop or any other photo editing software. Also, you can use some image optimizer tools for quickly optimizing your website images. There are many WordPress plugins available for optimizing images. Smush Image Compression and Optimization is one of the best image optimization plugins. You can also optimize your images from https://tinypng.com/. It’s super easy to optimize your images from tinypng.

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